Friday, May 4, 2012

Why is intel's video cards not listed video card benchmarks?

I'm planning to get a dell laptop.

While browsing dell's website, here are some of the video cards offered in a dell's laptop such as:

Intel(R) Integrated Graphics Media Accelerator X3100

Intel(R) Integrated Graphics Media Accelerator 4500MHD


These video cards are not listed in the passmark site along with other video cards such as Radeon:…

How do I compare intel's video cards with others?

Thanks! =)|||Benchmarked here against all available mobile graphic processors.…|||There not really good.

nVidia 9400m (used by Apple and a few others - it's a high end integrated GPU/Bridge chipset) has a 52.6GB/S bandwidth. Intels GMA950 was 6.2, X3100 was 9.6 and 4500MHD (Mobile High Definition) was a mere 12.8.

Comparatively speaking they rate between ATI's Radeon 9200-9800 graphics cards from 2002-2005.

They work well on low resolutions like 1200x800 but once you get into 1440x900 or higher or try to span multiple monitors they fall flat and fast. Gaming is not great, playable but not great too.

Windows OS doesn't do a very good job with DirectX of off-loading the processing of the graphics to the GPU either, so it will be twice as bad as on a Mac.

Apple stuck with it because there OS uses Quartz, OpenGL, and CORE Image. These types off-load the graphics processing to the GPU very, very well which means the same GPU on a Mac will look great but on a PC it's barely adequate. In fact on a PC the only one rated for HD Movies is the 4500.

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