Sunday, May 6, 2012

Can a laptop's Video card be ugraded or changed?

Brand and model:

COMPAQ PRESARIO CQ40|||…|||I just bought a new laptop today and I made sure to ask the sales guy that, because many laptops I liked only had 64 mb dedicated to graphics....a game like the Sims 3 requires 128 mb minimum to run.

The Future Shop sales guy told me it's nearly impossible to change the graphics card and it's not recommended. Very difficult and could screw things up in your computer. It saves a lot of time, effort and money to just buy a computer in the first place with the proper card, or order a custom computer with the card you require.|||Nope. The graphics card is soldered on to the motherboard. It's the only way to make the laptops that small.|||No laptop cards can be replaced they are all built into the mother board.

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